Monday, March 26, 2012


Have you ever wished you didn't have siblings? You know cause your made at them for something or just annoyed? I have. But recently I have been catching myself when i think those thoughts and wonder what would happen in my wish came true? How would my life be different? And realized I couldn't live without them! A wise person once told me "the longest relationship you will have even longer then your parents is your siblings" So help me in loving and appreciating your siblings today!!(if you have any) because somewhere deep within your heart is an undying love for your siblings!!!!!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wow it's been a while...

Heyy people how are you doing? I'm doing pretty good I uh can't really describe how I feel right now everyone keeps asking if I'm ok. And I keep saying yeah I'm fine but I don't know if I am or not... Well whatever oh I want to show you a pic here it is... This is "L" no one knows his name and he thinks so hard he will actually burn calories... Wow